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Webes találatok1 új találat van a(z) kifejezésre
Eladó Lakás, Budapest VI. ker. Külső VI. Szondi utca |
Ingatlan azonosító: 3706864; Ajánlat: Eladó ingatlan; Típus: lakas; Vételár: 13, 50M Ft; Cím: Budapest, VI. ker., Külső VI., Szondi utca. Lakásméret: 59 m2; Szoba: 2 ... ingatlan lakás tégla ...

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Google Értesítő -

Webes találatok1 új találat van a(z) kifejezésre
Eladó Lakás, Budapest VI. ker. Külső VI. Szondi utca |
Ingatlan azonosító: 3698271; Ajánlat: Eladó ingatlan; Típus: lakas; Vételár: 23, 00M Ft; Cím: Budapest, VI. ker., Külső VI., Szondi utca. Lakásméret: 127 m2; Szoba: 3; Félszoba: 1 ... ingatlan lakás tégla ...

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KID Irodabútor is now following you on Twitter!

KID Irodabútor (@kidbutor) is now following your tweets (@ingatlanlakas) on Twitter.

KID Irodabútor
Bio A legjobb lakberendezési tippek és ötletek egy helyen. Kövess minket ha érdekel a lakberendezés!
58 92 4
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=?utf-8?Q?Update: Twitter Apps and You=0A?=

Hi @ingatlanlakas,

Over the coming weeks, we will be making two important updates that will impact how you interact with Twitter applications. We are sending this notice to all Twitter users to make sure you are aware of these changes.

What are applications?

There are over 250,000 applications built using the Twitter API. To use most applications, you first authorize the application to access your Twitter account, after which you can use it to read and post Tweets, discover new users and more. Applications come in many varieties, including desktop applications like TweetDeck, Seesmic, or EchoFon, websites such as TweetMeme, fflick, or Topsy, or mobile applications such as Twitter for iPhone, Twitter for Blackberry, or Foursquare.

Update 1: New authorization rules for applications

Starting August 31, all applications will be required to use "OAuth" to access your Twitter account.

What's OAuth?

  • OAuth is a technology that enables applications to access Twitter on your behalf with your approval without asking you directly for your password.
  • Desktop and mobile applications may still ask for your password once, but after that request, they are required to use OAuth in order to access your timeline or allow you to tweet.

What does this mean for me?

  • Applications are no longer allowed to store your password.
  • If you change your password, the applications will continue to work.
  • Some applications you have been using may require you to reauthorize them or may stop functioning at the time of this change.
  • All applications you have authorized will be listed at
  • You can revoke access to any application at any time from the list.

Update 2: URL wrapping

In the coming weeks, we will be expanding the roll-out of our link wrapping service, which wraps links in Tweets with a new, simplified link. Wrapped links are displayed in a way that is easier to read, with the actual domain and part of the URL showing, so that you know what you are clicking on. When you click on a wrapped link, your request will pass through the Twitter service to check if the destination site is known to contain malware, and we then will forward you on to the destination URL. All of that should happen in an instant.

You will start seeing these links on certain accounts that have opted-in to the service; we expect to roll this out to all users by the end of the year. When this happens, all links shared on or third-party apps will be wrapped with a URL.

What does this mean for me?

  • A really long link such as might be wrapped as for display on SMS, but it could be displayed to web or application users as or as the whole URL or page title.
  • You will start seeing links in a way that removes the obscurity of shortened links and lets you know where each link will take you.
  • When you click on these links from or a Twitter application, Twitter will log that click. We hope to use this data to provide better and more relevant content to you over time.

Thanks for reading this important update. Come and check what's new at

The Twitter Team

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Google Figyelő -

Webes találatok1 új találat van a(z) kifejezésre
Eladó Lakás, Budapest VI. ker. Külső VI. Andrássy út |
Ingatlan azonosító: 3688877; Ajánlat: Eladó ingatlan; Típus: lakas; Vételár: 47, 60M Ft; Cím: Budapest, VI. ker., Külső VI., Andrássy út ...

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johnny bleijenberg is now following you on Twitter!

johnny bleijenberg (@Secondhomeeu) is now following your tweets (@ingatlanlakas) on Twitter.

johnny bleijenberg
Bio Al 10 jaar actief in het aanbieden van buitenlands vastgoed ,dus niet alleen woningen.
3,118 1,128 182 8
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Public Art Web&Fotó is now following you on Twitter!

Public Art Web&Fotó (@publicartkft) is now following your tweets (@ingatlanlakas) on Twitter.

Public Art Web&Fotó
Budapest, Hungary
Bio Honlaptervezéssel és ingatlanfotóval foglalkozó cég vagyunk. Minden érdekel, ami fotó, web vagy ingatlan.
6 45 23
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