Eger Ingatlan is now following you on Twitter!

Hi, ingatlan .

Eger Ingatlan (ingatlaneger) is now following your tweets on Twitter.

A little information about Eger Ingatlan:

0 tweets
following 9 people

You may follow Eger Ingatlan as well by clicking on the "follow" button on their profile.If you believe Eger Ingatlan is engaging in abusive behavior on Twitter, you may report Eger Ingatlan for spam.

Eger Ingatlan may not appear in your follower list. Eger Ingatlan may have decided to stop following you, or the account may have been suspended for a Terms of Service violation.

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Ingatlan Eladás is now following you on Twitter!

Hi, ingatlan .

Ingatlan Eladás (ingatlaneladas) is now following your tweets on Twitter.

A little information about Ingatlan Eladás:

6 tweets
following 15 people

You may follow Ingatlan Eladás as well by clicking on the "follow" button on their profile.If you believe Ingatlan Eladás is engaging in abusive behavior on Twitter, you may report Ingatlan Eladás for spam.

Ingatlan Eladás may not appear in your follower list. Ingatlan Eladás may have decided to stop following you, or the account may have been suspended for a Terms of Service violation.

If you'd rather not receive follow notification emails from Twitter, you can unsubscribe immediately. To resubscribe or change other Twitter email preferences, visit your account settings to manage email notices. Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.

Ashlyn Tennant is now following you on Twitter!

Hi, ingatlan .

Ashlyn Tennant (happytumtums546) is now following your tweets on Twitter.

A little information about Ashlyn Tennant:

3 tweets
following 161 people

You may follow Ashlyn Tennant as well by clicking on the "follow" button on their profile.If you believe Ashlyn Tennant is engaging in abusive behavior on Twitter, you may report Ashlyn Tennant for spam.

Ashlyn Tennant may not appear in your follower list. Ashlyn Tennant may have decided to stop following you, or the account may have been suspended for a Terms of Service violation.

If you'd rather not receive follow notification emails from Twitter, you can unsubscribe immediately. To resubscribe or change other Twitter email preferences, visit your account settings to manage email notices. Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.

Twitter Newsletter 2010 - Edition #2

Hi there,

Last month I restarted this monthly Twitter email update. If you've been around for a while, then you might remember getting my emails. If you signed up and requested this update more recently, welcome! A lot happens every month at Twitter so we want to keep you in the know. As always, you're invited to visit -- to come see what's new.

New Front Page
We've discovered over the years that Twitter is a work in progress. At first, the idea of tweeting only appealed to a few but then it caught on in a big way. Now Twitter is an incredibly rich and expanding information network. Our design team has changed the front page to reflect this metamorphosis and will continue to adjust accordingly.

Official Twitter Conference
We're hosting our first official Twitter developer conference this month. It's called Chirp. The event will take place in San Francisco over two days. The first day is April 14th at the Palace of Fine Arts. On April 15th, we'll be gathering at Fort Mason right along the bay. We're looking forward to meeting in person. For info, tickets, or to watch online, visit the Chirp web site.

Fighting Spam
Our Chief Scientist Abdur recently published a short piece titled, "State of Twitter Spam." In it, he explained how the definition of spam is different when compared to the common email variety. Spam is inevitable on a popular system but we fight it aggressively. Less than 1% of tweets per day are spam and we work diligently to reduce that percentage.

Location, Location, Location
We added a new feature to the Twitter web site that allows you to attach location data to individual tweets. This feature may not appeal to everyone so it requires that you activate it first in your Account Settings. You can choose to share an exact location or a general location such as neighborhood or town. This additional context is potentially very powerful.

Biz Stone, Co-founder (@Biz)
Twitter, Inc.

PS: This was sent to for the account @ingatlanlakas. If you'd rather not receive newsletters from Twitter, you can unsubscribe immediately. For questions, please visit us at Twitter Support.